I hope that by now you have received our new Can-Am Centre e-newsletter. It was launched on January 13th and emailed to many customers in our data base. The newsletter will be another way that we can keep in touch with our friends and clients and let folks know what is going on at Can-Am on a regular basis. And this is definitely a year you will want to keep in touch. It's our 50th Anniversary and we have a lot planned with sales events, special pricing in all departments and a celebration later in the year. Can-Am RV Centre was founded in 1970 by Andy Thomson Sr. and the same commitment to service that started the business continues today as his sons Andy and Kirk proudly grow their father's legacy.
To get a copy of the Can-Am Newsletter e-mailed to you click here. And don't worry about us filling up your in-box, we are only planning on six issues a year and you can un-subscribe at any time.