Prepping for a week off-grid, also known as "boondocking" is an easy and fun thing to do and most travel trailers are built to make this an option at any time. The things we are most concerned about are preserving resources like water and electrical power. When heading out to be living off-grid you need to have your freshwater tanks full and your waste water tanks empty. For good measure we also travelled with several extra gallons of drinking water in portable containers.
Our propane tanks were also full and we had lots of of food in the fridge and cupboards. Now I have not done anything to our Airstream to improve its off grid capabilities except replacing all the bulbs inside and out with LEDs. No solar on the roof, no lithium upgrade, and not even a gas generator. We are super careful using our lighting and dont leave lights running when not needed. Our 12 Volt power is being conserved to run the refrigerator and in cooler times of the year our furnace.
Even with your best efforts your batteries are eventually going to need recharging. I recommend portable solar panels for that if you don't want to add them permanently to your rig. I really didn't have room to carry these around all winter just to use them for this one event so I brought my trusty Car Generator instead. This trusty gadget, invented by Torontonian Jonathon Schloo and nationally exposed and endorsed on Dragon's Den is the best thing for us when we travel. It connects to the battery of our tow vehicle and while I idle the vehicle I get all the power I need to charge the trailer and run our 110 volt household appliances. Best of all, I dont have to carry containers of gasoline and cross my fingers that the long ignored generator will start. And it is quiet. no one will even realize you are running it (if your car is a civilized vehicle). If you need it in a parking lot overnight or a friend's driveway or backyard it is quick and easy. So everyday at the rally I ran the Car Generator for an hour to make sure we were all charged up for the evening.